不管是写期刊论文、学位论文或是其他学术文章,切中要点的句子最能有效传递讯息给读者。第三篇删减字数技巧,要来说说你平常做的很自然浑然不自觉的习惯,就是填充词的使用。 (两篇相关删减字数技巧的文章,欢迎点击看动词名词化 和 消除介词)
删除填充字 & 冗词
- There is an octopus sitting on top of my car.
- This is actually an interesting question.
- In order to apply the new method to our entire system, perhaps we should perform a local test.
- There is an octopus sitting on top of my car. [10 字]
- This is actually an interesting question. [6 字]
- In order to apply the new method to our entire system, perhaps we should perform a local test. [18字]
- An octopus is sitting on my car. [7 字]
- This question is interesting. [4 字]
- We should perform a local test before applying the new method to our system. [14 字]
删除填充词可以有效缩减字数,平均比例是25-30%的句长。假设把这比例放到论文上来看,单单删掉填充词就成功”瘦身” 25-30%。
填充词/多余的冗词或短语 | 修改建议 | 范文 |
A… then B… [chronological relationship] | Use the structure “A… and B…” Sometimes, readers can understand sequences because of causality implied in the sentence’s context. | Joe ran up the hill then fell back down. → Joe ran up the hill and fell back down. |
Absolutely, Certainly, Completely, Definitely | Delete. In most cases, the verb accompanying these adverbs imply 100% unless otherwise qualified. | We absolutely agree with that theory. → We agree with that theory. |
All of the | Use “all the.” | All of the cells ruptured. → All the cells ruptured. |
As to whether | Use “whether.” | He was uncertain as to whether he would attend the event next week. → He was uncertain whether he would attend the event next week. |
At all time | Delete. If you state a general fact, it is always true unless you qualify it otherwise. | You must follow these rules at all times. → You must follow these rules. |
Commonly | Delete. Since “commonly” implies a general statement, it’s unnecessary to use when your statement is a general fact. | People once commonly believed that the sun revolved around Earth. → People once believed the sun revolved around Earth. |
Due to the fact that | Use “because” or restructure the sentence using stronger verbs. | Due to the fact that we have limited resources, we will need to ration our daily intake. → We must ration our daily intake because of limited resources. OR Limited resources require us to ration our daily intake. |
For all intents and purposes | Delete. | For all intents and purposes, this project will be run by the Zurich office. → This project will be run by the Zurich office. |
For the purpose of | Use “to” + verb. | For the purpose of creating a new cohort, we would like to… → To create a new cohort, we would like to… |
Has the ability to | Use “can.” | Jackson has the ability to mesmerize an audience with his charm. → Jackson can mesmerize an audience with his charm. |
I/we believe; In my/our opinion | Delete unless it would become unclear that the sentence reflects your thought alone. For example, if you are describing other people’s thoughts and want to contrast those ideas with your opinion, you may wish to use these fillers. However, use them sparingly. In most cases, you can avoid the filler, as shown in the second example in the next column. | In our opinion, our results are inconclusive. → Our results are inconclusive. Scientists believe that water once flowed on Mars; however, we believe this theory is unlikely because… → Scientists believe that water once flowed on Mars; however, this theory is unlikely because… |
In spite of the fact that | Use “despite” or “although.” | She agreed to volunteer for the event in spite of the fact that she was busy with other work. → She agreed to volunteer for the event although she was busy with other work. |
In terms of | Delete and restructure or use “about” or “regarding,” depending on the context. | We can agree with you in terms of the proposed timeframe. → We agree with your proposed timeframe. In terms of price, we would like to request a discount. → Regarding price, we would like to request a discount. |
In the event that | Use “if.” | In the event that you can’t meet the deadline, please contact us immediately. → If you can’t meet the deadline, please contact us immediately. |
In the process of | Use “while” or “when,” depending on the context. | In the process of starting a new business, I hired an assistant. → When I started a new business, I hired an assistant |
In order to | Use “to.” | In order to advance to the next level, we must pass this exam. → To advance to the next level, we must pass this exam. |
It is important to note | Delete. If it wasn’t important, you wouldn’t be writing it, right? | It is important to note that inclusion and exclusion criteria are not used to reject people personally. → Inclusion and exclusion criteria are not used to reject people personally. |
It is possible that | Use “can,” “could,” “may,” or “might,” depending on the context. | It is possible that the show will be canceled due to inclement weather. → The show could be canceled due to inclement weather. |
Just, Really, Very, Even | Delete. | He really loves winter, especially when it snows. → He loves winter, especially when it snows. |
Needless to say | Delete. | Needless to say, the project will end tomorrow. → The project will end tomorrow. |
That | Delete unless it is essential for making the sentence clear. | She believed that he was innocent. → She believed he was innocent. She liked the house that sat on top of the hill. → She liked the house that sat on top of the hill. [“That” is essential to explain which house.] |
The fact that | Delete and restructure. | Mary hated the fact that she had to work on Mondays. → Mary hated working on Mondays. |
There/Here/It is…There has/have been… | Delete and restructure to create a stronger active subject/verb. These phrases distract from your sentence’s main point. | There have been many discussions among the scientific community about ethical boundaries in gene-splicing research. → The scientific community has frequently discussed the ethical boundaries in gene-splicing research. |
With regard/reference to | Use “regarding” or “about,” depending on the context. You can also rearrange your sentence to eliminate the “with regard to”/”regarding” phrase. | With regard to your previous questions, we will answer them during our meeting later today. → Regarding your previous questions, we will answer them during our meeting later today. OR We will answer your previous questions during our meeting later today. |
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