除了Common application之外,UC学校还要求所有的研究所申请学生回答几个问题,让学校能够了解更多关于你的个性和潜力。本视频提供这几个ESSAY的写作切入角度。
- 想要申请UC学校的大一生或转学生
- 想要写出具有说服力的ESSAY的人
- UC personal insight 题目要求整体分析
- 6 tips for 脑力激荡主题内容与技巧与回答内容
- 额外信息与资源
- 介绍UC’s Personal Insight Questions
- ESSAY中需涵盖的元素
- 脑力激荡ESSAY写作切入角度
- Essay dos and don’ts
- 写作技巧:”showing”与”telling”范文
“个人见解问题(Personal Insight Questions) “是加州大学招生委员会对收到越来越多的申请(2016年有近20万份新生和转学申请)的集体回应。由于申请人数极多,没有办法仅根据考试成绩和GPA来判断是否录取,因此,这些文书问题(Essays Questions)(更恰当的说法是 “Essay Prompts”)被创造出来,以区分高成绩者和优秀的应试者与那些表现出非凡热情和有引人入胜的故事的学生。因此,个人洞察力问题是你展示你是谁的机会,是你的成绩和成绩单,并讲述你的个人故事。
这种 “整体录取 “过程意味着你平日生活质量方面会得到考虑。这包括你利用机会的能力,你所参与的课外活动,以及其他 “元 “要素,这些要素不仅反映了你在学院和大学环境中取得成就的潜力,而且使招生人员有机会选择反映加州大学学校价值观的各类候选人。因此,要回答 “这些申请文书有多重要?”–答案是 “非常重要”。一些消息来源估计,这些定性元素占录取决定的30%之多,这意味着在你的加州大学回答这些文书题目中投入大量的思考和努力可能是十分必要的。
加州大学申请允许考生一次性申请所有加州大学校园,包括8个作文提示–通常被称为 “个人见解问题”。申请人必须从这些问题中选择四个来回答,每个问题共有350个字的答案。选择的问题没有对错之分,但在决定哪些问题最适合你的情况时,你应该考虑一些因素。
1. 描述一个你的领导经验的例子,在这个例子中,你积极地影响他人,帮助解决争端,或在一段时间内为团体的努力做出贡献。
Brainstorming: Leadership is not restricted to a position or title but can involve mentoring, tutoring, teaching, or taking the lead in organizing a project or even. Did you lead a team? How did your experience change your perspective on leading others? What were your responsibilities?
Potential scenarios: Have you ever resolved a problem or dispute in your school, church, or community? Do you have an important role in caring for your family? Were there any discrete experiences (such as a work or school retreat) in which your leadership abilities were crucial?
2. 每个人都有创造性的一面,它可以通过许多方式来表达:解决问题、原创和创新思维以及艺术上的表达,仅举几例。请描述你如何表达你的创造性的一面。
Brainstorming: What do you think about when you hear the word “creativity”? Do you have any creative skills that are central to your identity or life? How have you used this skill to solve a problem? What was your solution and what steps did you take to solve the problem?
Potential scenarios: Does your creativity impact your decisions inside or outside the classroom? How does your creativity play a role in your intended major or a future career? Perhaps your aspirations for art, music, or writing opened up an opportunity in a school project that led you on your current academic path.
3. 你认为你最大的天赋或技能是什么?随着时间的推移,你是如何发展和展示这种才能的?
Brainstorming: Do you have a talent or skill that you are proud of or that defines you in some way? An athletic ability; a propensity for music; an uncanny skill at math? Does the talent come naturally or have you worked hard to develop this skill or talent? Think about talents that have not been officially recognized or for which you have not received rewards but that are impressive and central to your character and story, nonetheless. Why is this talent or skill meaningful to you?
Potential Scenarios: Have you used your talent to solve a problem or meet a goal at school? Have you ever been recognized by a teacher or peer for your secret talent? Has your talent opened up opportunities for you in the world of school or work? If you have a talent that you have used in or out of school in some way and you would like to discuss the impact it has had on your life and experiences, this is a good question to choose.
4. 描述你如何利用一个重要的教育机会或努力克服你所面临的教育障碍。
Brainstorming: An educational opportunity can be anything that has added value to your educational experience and better prepared you for college. If you choose to write about barriers, how did you overcome or strive to overcome them? What personal characteristics or skills did you use to overcome this challenge? How did overcoming this barrier help shape who are you today?
Potential scenarios: Perhaps you have participated in an honors or academic enrichment program or enrolled in an academy geared toward an occupation or a major. Did you take advanced courses in high school that interested you even though they were not in your main area of study? There are many elements that can serve as “opportunities” and “barriers”—too little time or resources could serve as a barrier; a special teacher, a very memorable course, or just taking the initiative to push your education could all qualify for taking advantages of opportunities.
5. 描述你所面临的最重大的挑战以及你为克服这一挑战所采取的措施。这一挑战是如何影响你的学术成就的?
Brainstorming: A challenge could be personal, or something you have faced in your community or school. List all of the challenges and difficulties you have faced in the past few years, both in and out of school. Why was the challenge significant? What did it take to overcome the obstacle(s) and what did you learn from the experience? Did you have support from someone else or did you handle it alone?
Potential scenarios: Challenges can include financial hardships, family illnesses or problems, difficulties with classmates or teachers, or other personal difficulties you have faced emotionally, mentally, socially, or in some other capacity that impacted your ability to achieve a goal. If you’re currently working your way through a challenge, what are you doing now, and does that affect different aspects of your life? For example, ask yourself, “How has my life changed at home, at my school, with my friends or with my family?”
6. 想一想激励你的一个学术课题。描述你是如何在课堂内或课堂外进一步提高这一兴趣的。
Brainstorming: Do you have a passion for one specific academic subject area, something for which you seem to have unlimited interest? What have you done to nourish that interest? Discuss how your interest in the subject developed and describe any experience you have had inside and outside the classroom—volunteer work, internships, employment, summer programs, participation in student organizations and/or clubs. What have you have gained from your involvement?
Potential scenarios: Has your interest in the subject influenced you in choosing a major and/or future career? Have you been able to pursue coursework at a higher level in this subject (honors, AP, IB, college or university work)? Are you inspired to pursue this subject further at UC, and how might you do that? If you have been interested in a subject outside of the regular curriculum, discuss how you have been able to pursue this interest—did you go to the library, watch tutorials, find information elsewhere? How might you apply it during your undergraduate career?
7. 你为使你的学校或社区成为更好的地方做了什么?
Brainstorming: A “community” can encompass a group, team or a place—it could be your high school, hometown or even your home. You can define community in any way you see appropriate, but make sure you talk about your role in that community. Was there a problem that you wanted to fix in your community? If there was a problem or issue in your school, what steps did you take to resolve it? Why were you inspired to act? What did you learn from your effort? How did your actions benefit others, the wider community or both? Did you work alone or with others to initiate change in your community?
Potential scenarios: Have you ever volunteered for a social program or an extracurricular focused on making a difference? Perhaps you led a campaign to end bullying or reform a routine activity at your school. You don’t need to be the leader of a movement to be involved. Perhaps you took on more of an individual responsibility to make certain students feel more welcome at your school.
8. 除了在你的申请中已经分享的内容外,你认为是什么让你成为加州大学录取的有力候选人而脱颖而出?
Brainstorming: If there’s anything you the admissions committee to know about you but didn’t find a question or place in the application to write about it this is a good prompt to choose.
Potential scenarios: What have you not shared with us that will highlight a skill, talent, challenge or opportunity that you think will help us know you better? Is your experience simply so out of the ordinary that you feel it would not properly answer any of these questions? What do you feel makes you an excellent choice for UC? This is your chance to brag a little.
与通用申请论文不同的是,通用申请论文给了申请人一篇650字的个人文章,以做出一个大的、有凝聚力的个人陈述,而加州大学申请的目的是引起较小的、较短的陈述,鼓励申请人在不重复相同信息的情况下给出重点答案。这意味着你需要保持一致性和凝聚力–牢记这些文章的 “整体 “性质–同时也要确保每个答案都能提供关于你的新信息和见解。
选择 “与你对话 “的问题,让你说明你的经历和性格的不同方面
在写任何类型的文章时,都要应用 “展示而非讲述 “的黄金法则。 作家应该努力在文字和读者的理解或感觉之间建立一种更直接的联系–一种更 “客观的关联”。但是,这条规则理解起来比遵守起来容易得多,一大堆初学写作的人讲述一个人做了什么或有什么感觉与展示它。在加州大学的入学论文中,展示而不是讲述或列举尤其重要,因为你没有很多空间来 “提供证据 “以支持你在每篇小论文中所主张的主要论点。
思考这种差异的一个好方法是思考 “总结”(讲述)与 “描述”(展示)。在总结时,人们通常对情况进行概述,使用模糊的名词和形容词来描述事件、物体或感觉。在描述时,人们使用生动的细节,让读者或听众与情况有更直接的联系–细节最终为作者或演讲者所说的内容提供证据,而不是用模糊或陈词滥调的语言填补空白。
TELLING: “I have overcome an educational barrier by getting good grades despite having a learning disorder. Although it hindered my studies, my learning disorder did not stop me from doing very well on assignments and exams. I even joined a variety of clubs, such as debate club, honors society, and the track team…”
SHOWING: “My highest hurdle in life has always been my dyslexia. Imagine looking at a page of your favorite book and seeing the words written backward and upside-down. Now imagine this is every book, every page, every word on every exam. This is my experience. But through this land of backward words I have fought with a million tears and thousands of hours, studying at the library after classes, joining the debate team to improve my sight-reading, and eventually joining the school honors society, the biggest achievement of my academic life…”
撰写另外三篇UC文章,并完成UC活动部分(比Common App活动部分要长)。
将你的UC活动列表用于Common App活动,并将你剩余的UC文章用于Common App补充文章。
提前研究每所学校是决定申请哪所学校的最好方法。访问大学招生办公室网站,观看YouTube上的校园参观视频,阅读课程设置并对学校的教授和资源进行搜索,与在校学生和校友谈论他们的大学经历,如果可能,甚至尝试安排校园参观。 进行研究将使你能够分辨出。
改进文书质量的最佳办法是先在自己撰写的过程中,学会灵活使用 AI 英文写作辅助工具,比如 Wordvice 开发的 AI 英语语法检查工具和 AI 英语文章改写润色工具;当写完文书后,再使用专业人工编辑提供的文书润色服务,对内容、风格和行文语气等进行大规模修改。

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